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The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by Eric Paddon on February 07, 2025, 03:34:43 PM »
Nixon questions and Howard Cosell questions I get and Nixon Watergate questions were completely fair game in the Zeitgeist.   I just never liked it when Patty Deutsch gave answers attacking Nixon family members which came off as totally mean-spirited no matter what your political beliefs.    Bash Nixon, but leave his family which suffered a great deal alone.

One of the most obscure topical events I remember coming up on Match Game happened in 76 when there was at least one question in the period when Evel Knievel got into trouble with the law for assaulting someone with a baseball bat (and thus the Evel Knievel question was designed for the answer "baseball bat".    The contestant needless to say didn't get it)
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by chad1m on February 07, 2025, 01:43:08 PM »
So even if there weren't Roseanne questions, there were certainly going to be Roseanne questions.
I'm well aware of Roseanne's place in pop culture at that time. My point is that I see a parallel to Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky questions on Match Game '98, but only one gets criticism for doing it.
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by Joe Mello on February 07, 2025, 01:17:36 PM »
It becomes quickly apparent that Roseanne Barr is the target du jour
It was roughly 10 days after MG90 premiered that she mangled the Star-Spangled Banner and grabbed her crotch...I do remember that incident being a question.
Also Roseanne had just finished its 2nd season the previous spring. Ratings-wise it went from #2 to #1, switching positions with The Cosby Show from the year before.

So even if there weren't Roseanne questions, there were certainly going to be Roseanne questions.
The Big Board / Re: Game show takes: Hot or Not? (The survey)
« Last post by JasonA1 on February 07, 2025, 01:11:07 PM »
We're at 45 replies already; thanks a ton! The more the merrier...

The Big Board / Re: Hollywood Squares Ratings
« Last post by bwood on February 07, 2025, 12:09:21 PM »
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by aaron sica on February 07, 2025, 11:59:24 AM »
It becomes quickly apparent that Roseanne Barr is the target du jour

It was roughly 10 days after MG90 premiered that she mangled the Star-Spangled Banner and grabbed her crotch...I do remember that incident being a question.

The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by chad1m on February 07, 2025, 11:55:11 AM »
I've been trying to keep up with Buzzr's deluge of Match Game '90. It's been fun to see the show get into a groove, and Ross certainly grew more comfortable with his role. As he becomes more willing to inject his own comments, much of his humor is dry, wry, and understated. I appreciate him more watching so many at once and appreciate his style. However, by watching so many at once...

I think they went for the sex and Clinton jokes too often.
I've seen this bandied about in the years afterward, but this week has a grand total of one round of Clinton references. In the episodes that have surfaced on YouTube, it isn't prevalent there, either. Either way, it's 1998 - he's in the zeitgeist. I don't see anyone giving CBS's Match Game any flak for joking about Richard Nixon and Howard Cosell.
...this is a quote from a thread about Match Game '98. It becomes quickly apparent that Roseanne Barr is the target du jour, with multiple questions about her/questions where she's the "obvious" answer in a week. But again, it's curious to me that it never really comes up in discussions of this series.
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by MikeK on February 07, 2025, 11:52:05 AM »
Addressing something Jason said, chemistry with a consistent panel would have helped, but it seems like they had a healthy stable of celebs--Vicki, Edie McClurg, Marcia Wallace, Betty White, Khrystyne Haje, Brad Garrett, Ronn Lucas (and friend!), CNR, even people like Joe Alaskey, Bill Kirchenbauer, and Bruce Baum.  (Sorry Jason, Bruce Baum is an acquired taste.)

To Brandon's points, having seen MG 7x/PM/syndicated reruns for over 3 decades is a bit much and a change of pace is welcome.  Maybe my opinion is a case of recency bias.  Maybe it's because the last time I remember MG 90 airing 5+ times a week for any decent period of time was on GSN in 2001-02.
 Maybe it's due to some parts of the 70s version and Gene's schtick aging badly.  Maybe it's me being glad to see a show that I got to see a handful of times, when there was no school, the alignment of the stars was just right, and the weather complied, and even then, reception on my B&W TV was, at best, meh.

Match-Up was enough of a deviation from the norm that it worked well within the format.
I think TP is the better show, but I'm hoping both get green lighted for a second season.
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by Ian Wallis on February 07, 2025, 11:19:45 AM »

Perfectly sane take. It might be because GSN and Buzzr's shown it continuously for 30 years, but I'm good on my MG7x/PM fix. It's not even because some of the humor or Gene's/the panelists' behavior aged like milk; I'm just burned out on that version of the show.

In a lot of ways I agree with you, but for me, watching it every day was almost like comfort food.  By no means did I have every show memorized, so quite frequently I recognized the contestants but couldn't remember who won.  In recent years GSN has aired almost the entire CBS version (with the exception of '73, which I haven't seen in a while), but it's been quite a while since I've seen the syndicated version, or PM.  I kind of miss is every day at 1.

Having said that, in rewatching these episodes a few times now, I have noticed things I didn't before - such as how full of himself Rayburn seemed at times, plus all the kissing that they probably couldn't get away with today.
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