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The Big Board / Re: The original Twenty-One
« Last post by chris319 on Today at 12:45:46 AM »
I can't find the Twenty One pilot done for CBS, but it is distinguishable in having the word "SPONSOR" where the word "GERITOL" later appears on the upstage set wall.

If memory serves, it is very similar to the set ultimately used on NBC that we've all seen in kinescopes. The question is, why would they have built the set with the giant picture windows on the isolation booths and the score readouts hanging off of Jack Barry's podium when they could have repurposed the set built for the CBS pilot? Is there a kinescope of the giant set? Was it even used on air? One little clue is that the "giant" set, above, has the word "GERITOL" on it, so they clearly had a sponsor and possibly a network.

Does there exist an episode guide for Twenty One?

Also, in the picture of the "giant" set above, what are the little gizmos sitting on top of the enclosures that house the score readouts?
Game Show Channels & Networks / Re: Game TV - Sept 2024
« Last post by Ian Wallis on September 16, 2024, 11:07:52 PM »
Just updating what Greg posted earlier:  they did run two 1972 episodes of Price is Right today, beginning with the second episode from 9/5/1972.  Match Game '79 started from the 1/2/79 episode according to what Johnny told Gene when he asked what day it was.

Other morning changes went ahead as scheduled.
d so there's no longer a sticky-outy part.

Scott, please remember that a lot of us aren't in the industry.  We'd appreciate it if you wouldn't use technical terms.
The Big Board / Re: Of The Theme Songs That Spanned Multiple Shows...
« Last post by Kevin Prather on September 16, 2024, 08:14:01 PM »
The fact that the Family Feud theme was being used as a car cue on Price is Right in the early 80s was an odd choice. It's not like Family Feud was a forgettable show, it was literally the number one game show on television at the time.
Presumably both versions of Jeopardy! tape in the same studio, so it makes sense that major set changes would carry over.

If you compare the above pictures to the floor we currently see on air (here are two recent images), you can see that they've filled in the area between the host's position and the game board so there's no longer a sticky-outy part.
The Big Board / Re: Of The Theme Songs That Spanned Multiple Shows...
« Last post by Chief-O on September 16, 2024, 06:02:19 PM »
Going back to the Jackpot well, this time for the theme used in the Canadian and later versions, it fit better there than it did on the Shoot For The Stars show years earlier.

Facts, and you pretty much wrote exactly what I was *this* close to writing yesterday. It was dated by the mid-late 80s, but it *worked*.

/and it worked just as well on the "Twisters" pilot
Game Show Channels & Networks / Re: GSN Schedule Changes
« Last post by gameshowfan2001 on September 16, 2024, 05:38:56 PM »
Fingers crossed GSN gets to the unaired episode of Match Game '16 that was made during its 5th season.
The Big Board / Re: Of The Theme Songs That Spanned Multiple Shows...
« Last post by TimK2003 on September 16, 2024, 04:59:57 PM »
Awesome find!!!

The Big Board / Re: Of The Theme Songs That Spanned Multiple Shows...
« Last post by chrisholland03 on September 16, 2024, 04:29:05 PM »
The Big Board / Re: Of The Theme Songs That Spanned Multiple Shows...
« Last post by TimK2003 on September 16, 2024, 03:37:59 PM »
Going back to the Jackpot well, this time for the theme used in the Canadian and later versions, it fit better there than it did on the Shoot For The Stars show years earlier.

Sam mentioned the MGHS theme used as a music cue on TPIR:

As far as recycling short music cues from show to show, the last few seconds of the original Family Feud Theme was a better cue for the Grand Game intro on TPIR than it was as the "team sweep" cue on Trivia Trap.  I think a repeating bell SFX would have sufficed on the latter.
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