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The Big Board / Re: Davidson Pyramid Set Question
« Last post by Scrabbleship on Today at 10:10:04 PM »
Davidson Pyramid had no station in NYC for its first season.

Granted it wasn't in NYC but didn't WLIG on Long Island pick up the first season and hadn't they gotten a Syndex-proof cable feed on most NYC cable systems by that point?

I know WTZA up in Kingston had both seasons of Davidson Pyramid but their cable carriage ended by White Plains and their OTA signal petered out by the Westchester/Bronx line.
The Big Board / Re: Davidson Pyramid Set Question
« Last post by splinkynip on Today at 09:40:46 PM »
Davidson Pyramid had no station in NYC for its first season. It was picked up by WNBC for its second season starting in September 1991 and was paired with Family Feud in the middle of the night.  I believe new eps of Pyramid ended in December. In February or March of 1992, WWOR picked up both Pyramid and Feud and aired them in the 5PM hour.  Pyramid was gone three weeks later.
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by Steve Gavazzi on Today at 08:14:10 PM »
but my wife (who was at one point a math teacher) says it shouldn't be, because it's neither higher nor lower, which was the bet. I don't agree, but she makes a fair point.

She's logically right, but there's no situation where a game show can come out looking good because they didn't provide a correct answer and then took money away from the contestant.
The Big Board / Re: Davidson Pyramid Set Question
« Last post by PYLdude on Today at 07:09:38 PM »
So wait a second. WNBC was considering moving Pyramid to access? I was under the impression that the show didn’t make it to 1992 and left the air before Ruckus did; I also seem to remember the show moving to WWOR for its much abbreviated second campaign.
The Big Board / Re: Davidson Pyramid Set Question
« Last post by steveleb on Today at 04:40:38 PM »
The distributor had a history with nbc and they were the anchor group such as they were. At one point New York was committed to replacing ruckus with it in access and the license fee would have been much higher—making Scott a possibility.  But as Sande said he was quite demanding.  And WNBC basically got cold feet.  So they asked the stations who were going to support it for feedback and with Squares still fresh in their memories they underscored the advertiser sentiment and hence John got his only gig with the Stewart regime
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by Kevin Prather on Today at 03:47:56 PM »
Would Blackjack be a good analogy? If the dealer and I both get an 18, I don't collect but I don't lose my bet either.

I think Baccarat is a better comparison in this case because Blackjack is your hand versus an adversary. Baccarat is you choosing between two possibilities, not unlike the Higher/Lower decision.
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by BrandonFG on Today at 03:42:22 PM »
Would Blackjack be a good analogy? If the dealer and I both get an 18, I don't collect but I don't lose my bet either.

It reminds me of the CS contestant who got three or four pushes in a row, and I wanna say he went Bust. It made for an interesting blooper but it still feels like bad television.
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by Kevin Prather on Today at 03:38:09 PM »
The "push rule" is quite literally one of the very few things my wife and I disagree on. I say because it's the same, it *SHOULD* be a push, but my wife (who was at one point a math teacher) says it shouldn't be, because it's neither higher nor lower, which was the bet. I don't agree, but she makes a fair point.

I was gonna say that a casino analogy backing your wife's position would be the "0" on roulette. It's neither red nor black, odd nor even, etc.

But then again a casino analogy backing your position would be Baccarat. When the Player and Banker hands are tied, all bets push.
The Big Board / Re: Stan Worth on "Name That Tune"
« Last post by BrandonFG on Today at 02:46:47 PM »
For some reason, I wanna say they shot the entire season over the summer. I found a few episodes from that final season where he's the director and I'm guessing they were still bicycling.

Didn't know Stan was born in my hometown.

The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by aaron sica on Today at 02:43:50 PM »
The "push rule" is quite literally one of the very few things my wife and I disagree on. I say because it's the same, it *SHOULD* be a push, but my wife (who was at one point a math teacher) says it shouldn't be, because it's neither higher nor lower, which was the bet. I don't agree, but she makes a fair point.
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