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The Big Board / Re: What's My Line? 75th Anniversary
« Last post by Eric Paddon on February 02, 2025, 11:46:55 PM »
What I don't like: a number of cuts, usually of celebrities being introduced, either on the panel or as mystery guests (John Wayne comes to mind). I am under the impression that they was only one kinescope of each episode available, and the clips were removed to be used in the 25th Anniversary Special that ABC aired in 1975, but ended up on the cutting room floor.

Its actually possible to splice the missing bits used in the 25th anniversary special back into the original episode kinescope through digital editing.   That's been done with a couple episodes (The Marian Anderson one where the MG segment was reassembled in the wrong sequence and the Peter, Paul and Mary episode which was missing a question by Woody Allen during a contestant segment).
The Big Board / Re: What's My Line? 75th Anniversary
« Last post by Matt Ottinger on February 02, 2025, 10:45:58 PM »
I love that What's My Line got to do an entire farewell episode.  As I mentioned on your Facebook countdown, I hate that I've Got a Secret was not granted the same opportunity.
The Big Board / Re: What's My Line? 75th Anniversary
« Last post by SuperMatch93 on February 02, 2025, 08:47:58 PM »
When it comes to the CBS series, I love Groucho Marx's episode and how his presence on the panel clashes with the high-class manner of the show to make for a very entertaining half-hour.
The Big Board / Re: What's My Line? 75th Anniversary
« Last post by That Don Guy on February 02, 2025, 07:07:26 PM »
What are some of your favorite moments from the series or franchise as a whole? It's okay if they overlap with my own.

Of the ones I didn't talk about, Peter Gabel fooling his mom Arlene in 1964 was pretty good. I also *love* Phyllis Diller's second appearance as a mystery guest and probably should've included it in my countdown. Dorothy nails her quick, but between her laugh and one great joke, she makes the most of a brief appearance.

Peter Gabel appeared twice; the second time, it was with Bennett Cerf's son (and Bennett had to disqualify himself as he had heard about it from someone else); I think they had just been named co-editors of the Harvard Lampoon.

My favorites: I can think of a few:
* This one is probably on quite a few lists; the "mystery commercial reader" that came onto the set and started doing a commercial ("I'd like to talk to you tonight about..."), only for Daly to call the "extraction team" to get him off
* When Mark Goodson was on the panel, and it started with a mystery guest - Frank Sinatra, who then took Mark's spot on the panel; the second mystery guest was Frank's then-wife Mia Farrow, who signed in as "Mia Sinatra"
* What appears to be a rare personal appearance of any sort by Sir Edmund Hillary; he didn't say very much before he left the stage
* What may have been the first appearance on USA TV of Dudley Moore; he appeared with Peter Cook, who would later become an occasional panelist, and a couple of others as part of the USA tour of Beyond the Fringe
* When the six kids who were, at the time, playing the von Trapp children in The Sound of Music on Broadway appeared; I think that's the most that ever appeared as contestants at once
* The final mystery guest - John Daly himself.

What I don't like: a number of cuts, usually of celebrities being introduced, either on the panel or as mystery guests (John Wayne comes to mind). I am under the impression that they was only one kinescope of each episode available, and the clips were removed to be used in the 25th Anniversary Special that ABC aired in 1975, but ended up on the cutting room floor.
The Big Board / What's My Line? 75th Anniversary
« Last post by jjman920 on February 02, 2025, 06:28:56 PM »
Wasn't exactly sure where to put this, but today (February 2nd) is the 75th Anniversary of What's My Line? While I know panel shows aren't everyone's cup of tea, this show helped set the standard of the quality that was to come from Mark Goodson and Bill Todman as they continued to build their television production empire (not that you could tell from the first episode). The longest running primetime game show to this day, it was something I fell in love with back when GSN ran it almost every day at 3am back in the mid-00s. I spent the last 10 days posting about various moments from the CBS run of the show on my Facebook and this blog.

What are some of your favorite moments from the series or franchise as a whole? It's okay if they overlap with my own.

Of the ones I didn't talk about, Peter Gabel fooling his mom Arlene in 1964 was pretty good. I also *love* Phyllis Diller's second appearance as a mystery guest and probably should've included it in my countdown. Dorothy nails her quick, but between her laugh and one great joke, she makes the most of a brief appearance.

I'd love to be able to access all of the TV(dot)com episode guide, but it seems not every page works on the Wayback Machine, even ones that it says have snapshots. It just cycles. Does anyone else run into the problem? Also, I seem to remember someone, I want to say Steve Beverly, writing this big, 10 part story about the history of WML that I definitely remember copying to a Word doc and printing out entirely at one point, but I can't find that file anymore. Does anyone have access to that?
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by TLEberle on February 02, 2025, 04:01:20 PM »
Scrabble managed until 1986 or so, but it was the same goal for both the crossword and the Sprint.
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by Loogaroo on February 02, 2025, 03:29:46 PM »
Games where the main game is playing out the same process over and over again. The win condition generally involves either reaching a particular score threshold (like Joker's Wild being a race to $500) or playing a best of 3 match of smaller games (Card Sharks, High Rollers, etc.). Straddling works in these situations because it's easy to explain where the game state was when starting a new episode.

PYL probably doesn't work as a straddle because you're constantly jumping back and forth between question and spin rounds, and then having to carry over three players' scores, spin and Whammy counts from one day to the next would be a lot of info to debrief the audience on the following day.
Game Show Channels & Networks / Re: BUZZR Q1 2025
« Last post by SRIV94 on February 02, 2025, 02:41:04 PM »
So does anybody have any notion as to what CS episodes we'll see this week?

I'm glad BUZZR dusted off the "Jim Perry 3000th" episode (airing right before the Perry finale on 2/12)--I could use a better quality copy.
Game Show Channels & Networks / Re: BUZZR Q1 2025
« Last post by SRIV94 on February 02, 2025, 02:38:47 PM »
I am not bothering to check this before posting, but didn't at least the premiere of Eubanks CS have 1985 as a copyright date in the credits?

At least the first few shows would have been taped in late 1985, right? Not saying that's the reason the copyright would be 1985, but I seem to recall it.

The first five shows had 1985 copyrights.

Correct, as it was Goodson policy to go by tape date rather than airdate at the time.
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by TLEberle on February 02, 2025, 02:36:15 PM »
What do you mean by distinct rounds of play? Do you mean different like how AG had different events, or The Price is Right? Most game shows are like Blockbusters or Card Sharks where you’re doing the dpsame thing just broken up by an end game.
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