[quote name=\'Chief-O\' post=\'233693\' date=\'Jan 5 2010, 11:50 PM\']Wha??? "Decisions Decisions"

Not sure what you're asking with your "Wha???", but if you're trying to point out that
Decisions, Decisions is not a Bob Stewart pilot, you would be correct. Neither is
20 Questions, for that matter. Even more confusing, the
Twenty Questions pilot that Mike describes on his website is not the same as the
20 Questions pilot that he has on the Bob Stewart Flow Chart, which WAS hosted by Jack Clark and definitely had a Stewart-ish vibe to it, but in fact was produced by one of our Forum members. (Hi, Ronnie!)
If your "Wha???" was a request for information about
Decisions, Decisions,
Mike has a page on it,
as does Adam Nedeff.