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Author Topic: GSN's reason for giving up Marshall HS  (Read 26707 times)


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GSN's reason for giving up Marshall HS
« Reply #45 on: October 21, 2003, 06:43:52 PM »
[quote name=\'dheine1971\' date=\'Oct 21 2003, 08:08 AM\'] What about the other Goodson-Todman shows airing on GSN currently - "Card Sharks", "Blockbusters", "What's my Line", "To Tell The Truth", "I've Got a Secret", and "Password"? [/quote]
 They've aired all of Eubanks CS's run from the beginning of it through Summer 1988. When the EST 11:30AM 1988 episodes ended their six month run in April 2002, and the Thursday vertivision blocks ended two weeks ago(which were a continuation of the 4:30PM airing from May 2001-June 2002, 1:30PM airing from June 2002-January 2003, and finally returned in March 2003 at 9:30AM before the blocks began in June), they ended at roughly the same point(give or take a few weeks) in the run. The weekend run didn't shift over to where the Vertivision blocks left off. Ergo, they do air more than 200 episodes of a run of GT shows when they feel like leaving something on the schedule long enough(Perry CS did manage to get through the entire run from APril 1998-mid-2001, and then about halfway through the run again from mid-2001-January 2003). SUper Password on the other hand hasn't gotten beyond the first year of the run anytime since the Dark Period ended(save for a few episodes in August 2002 as part of Breakfast with the Stars, and one month of Fall 1986 shows aired in September 2002)

Ian Wallis

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GSN's reason for giving up Marshall HS
« Reply #46 on: October 22, 2003, 08:56:59 AM »
SUper Password on the other hand hasn't gotten beyond the first year of the run anytime since the Dark Period ended(save for a few episodes in August 2002 as part of Breakfast with the Stars, and one month of Fall 1986 shows aired in September 2002)

If anyone's interested, I have a list on my site of everything GSN has aired since they went on the air.  It's here:


If anyone has any changes or corrections, please feel free to let me know.
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GSN's reason for giving up Marshall HS
« Reply #47 on: October 29, 2003, 02:40:16 PM »
[quote name=\'cmjb13\' date=\'Oct 7 2003, 05:31 AM\'] From tvgameshows.net

GSN Gives Up Original Hollywood Squares Package

In a decision which will undoubtedly draw a mixed bag reaction from its viewers, Game Show Network has opted to give up its package of original Hollywood Squares episodes.
The network used the Tom Bergeron episodes during its summer Friday vertivision daytime format.
"We had a limited amount of programming slots available and we had to choose between the new and old version of The Hollywood Squares," a GSN spokesperson said. "So we went with the newer version because it is more contemporary for our viewers now. More recognizable actors on that show."
A series of 130 of the Peter Marshall episodes began running in the spring of 2002 but never drew strong ratings or young demographics.

The Bergeron episodes are now airing during GSN's morning lineups seven days a week. [/quote]
 I don't know who I want to kick worse; GSN for dropping Classic HS or NBC for wiping clean the lion's share of its original network daytime tapes for reuse!
Aaron Handy III - ah07_1999@yahoo.com

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GSN's reason for giving up Marshall HS
« Reply #48 on: October 29, 2003, 06:54:59 PM »
im not suprised, i thought the marshall eps were too serious at times especally that dumb rule allowing celebs to pass (wasnt the whole idea to ad lib a bluff if you didnt know. only celeb i really saw do that was Winker on that version)

But I do think that they should have kept the shows they had and added it to their late night schedule, Actually with today's audience instead of B&WO they should make it late night classics and go with some other classics that are lost to time.

However I will say I agree about the double 100k and W L or D runs, not needed, id rather see an original repeat than that (namely whammy). Couldnt they at least use something like Blockbusters, PYL or CS just to avoid the repetition, since they have used alot and i mean alot of mutiple running, I think PYL would do better than a 2nd W L or D personally (even though i do like W L or D and think its 7pm slot works fine)

I will say i wont miss marshall squares that much, my bigger gripe is going to 80s Lmad 5 days a week...it is a good version, but the chemistry is not there and the prizes didnt go up with inflation, however the presentation is 5000x better of course with the cheesy doors to match the contestants costumes. Id reserve this to the weekends...but really no major gripes with the classics, ridding whammy and RR burns me a little more


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GSN's reason for giving up Marshall HS
« Reply #49 on: October 29, 2003, 07:29:52 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Oct 9 2003, 09:38 PM\'] [quote name=\'uncamark\' date=\'Oct 9 2003, 02:02 PM\'] (and has a reason for being cynical about ratings, since Nielsen still isn't measuring in its regular surveys the digital tier homes that make up half of BBCA's subscribers), [/quote]
I find that interesting. I was under the impression that the mass majority of GSN viewers over cable received the channel on the digital tier. I know I do. How many of you get it on a two-digit analog channel? [/quote]
 I do.


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GSN's reason for giving up Marshall HS
« Reply #50 on: November 03, 2003, 08:25:51 PM »
[quote name=\'PeterMarshallFan\' date=\'Oct 7 2003, 07:05 PM\'] Don't laugh---MG98 was edgy, after all. Thank goodness the tapes are presumed lost.

 Well...the original tapes anyway....I think I'm the only person on the face of the earth that has most of the MG98 shows on tape...I used to tape them off WGN when they aired it at like 2am so I could watch it later.  I know...I should be ashamed of myself.  :-p