Games Magazine has a column called "This Old Game.' A collector writes an essay about one of the games in his hoard. This issue is about Shenanigans, specifically the second edition. In a nutshell, the writer states that although the game is colorful it isn't a very good game. I agree. The payoffs are unbalanced; whomever lands on the 200 Shenanigans space will probably win and whomever gets stuck on Midway has a good chance of losing. Having seen the television series helps ones enjoyment of the game. In fact, I show an episode of the show to potential players before playing the game with them.
I have a solution. When I get my games back out of storage I intend to replace Snake Charmer, which was never in the show anyway, with Test Your Strength and Sword of Damocles. Auctioneer gets replaced with Haunted House. Midway is replaced with Stop and Go. The rules for Guess Weight are changed. Generally, all the payoffs for all the events on the back wall are quadrupled.