Yeah, that was always Glenn Beck\'s excuse, too.
Considering you are acting like Mr. Beck in attacking under false pretenses don\'t throw stones.
It was a simple question, no need to overreact to it.
Thank you for adding some reason to this!
So, um, if I can rephrase my question in proper GSF-ese....I notice that you never saw the \"Mimsie dying\" end to the St. Elsewhere finale after the original broadcast. Does anyone know why that might have been? Extensive detective work to back up your suggestions necessary, apparently!
Most unsettling thing ever on GSN was \"Beat the Clock\" when they started the \"Hickory Dickory Dock\" thing to open the show. After the song they showed creepy bottom-lit faces of a mom, dad, and young sun, slowly zooming in on their laughing faces as about a hundred people could be heard laughing. Extremely creepy. Ugh! Brrr!
I can see your point. But I actually thought it was funny the first time I saw it. It reminded me of the Carrie \"they\'re all gonna laugh at you\" scene.