Back in March 1989 I worked full time but my hours were from noon until 830pm. This afforded me the chance to be able to watch much of the NBC Daytime lineup.
Sadly, the finale of NBC'S Sale was interrupted by a news bulletin, some sort of speech by President George H.W. Bush which irritated me to no end, so I did not get to see the end of that episode originally.
The Joker's Wild finale in 1975 was one that had crossed my mind, but I figured I'd see if anybody else came up with it here and by golly, somebody did!
Also the Art Fleming NBC Jeopardy! from January 3rd 1975 ranks up there as well. Watching that finale and hearing the theme song "Smile" playing at the end gets me so very wistful for my childhood, for in 1975, I still was so young (only

and all of my loved ones were still alive and in my life, I feel tremendous angst each and every time I watch that Jeopardy! finale.