I will say that this thread has been a fascinating read so far, especially since it gets at the heart of the changing TV landscape.
When I first saw the discussion of why we don't have Pyramid, arguably one of the all-time classic game shows, on TV except in reruns, my gut reaction was to look at the classic game shows that *are* currently on TV. I started thinking, what do these shows have that Pyramid doesn't? My personal feeling: The "big 4" (Wheel, Price, J!, Feud) all have an active home play-along factor. On all of these shows, you can shout out the next number of the price of the car or what you think is the #1 answer while you are watching at home. You feel connected to the show: a good feeling when your answers match what's on the show, even better when you get the answers and the contestants don't, and a ho-hum feeling when your answers don't match.
But, Pyramid doesn't have that connection. It largely requires you, the viewer, to just sit back and watch other people play. Sure; you might be thinking of better clues than Nick Turturro or wondering how the contestant in the Winner's Circle got "Things That Wilt" from just hearing "old flowers". But, unlike the "big 4", you know what the answers are going to be if you are looking at the screen. This reduces the viewer connection and active playing-along.
Overall, I don't think the current generation is any smarter or dumber than the previous one. The big difference is the need for constant active stimulation. As a teacher, I don't see students necessarily getting dumber; I instead see a greater need to get them more actively engaged in the classes. If I can't get them participating, then it doesn't matter how great of a lecture I give; I will do nothing except reach the A students who would have learned it anyway. The second I lose their active engagement, out come the phones. So, that's my feeling on Pyramid: it just doesn't have that active stimulation for most people.
Sorry for the long post, but, trust me; I'd love to see new episodes of Pyramid. I mean, Celeb Name Game got a second season, and Hollywood Game Night is still on, so I think there's hope. But, in the mean time, at least GSN hasn't given up on Pyramid reruns.
