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GSN August 2003 Ratings

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Dan Sadro:
[quote name=\'PeterMarshallFan\' date=\'Sep 7 2003, 12:29 PM\'] The failing originals [FOF, WT] should be cut, the successful originals should get more eps, and the morning hours could be used to make the diehards happy. [/quote]
 I apologize to the wrestling fanatics to bring the conversation back to what we were discussing (although back to reality might be a step in the right direction for most of you).

To cut Friend or Foe and WinTuition would be to admit that they were wrong.  They had to introduce enough originals to fill up half the schedule, and good or bad the originals had to stay on until they could be replaced.  Apparently, GSN doesn't currently have anything ready, so they can't cut the failing ones.  I stated at our old stomping grounds (unfortunately I can't find it in Groupsgle) that GSN needed its first crop of originals to be successful or the \"half-originals\" goal would not work.

In this era of television, if you don't succeed immediately, you're toast.  Cronin can't admit that some of his originals aren't up to scratch because then he's lost.  It's better to replace them with something new and cut the non-preforming ones without having to say that the shows didn't work out.


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