I thought one of the soaps wasn't going off the air until at least January. Wouldn't Millionaire be done taping for the season by then?
Millionaire would wrap in November, the entertainment industry usually has a winter break, so that wouldn't leave enough time to tear down and pack the Millionaire set, put up the set for a new show and have it ready to go when OLTL goes off the air.
If it wasn't for a new show coming on, I would think you might be on to something, but I would think (yeah, I said think because this entire thread is all about speculation and opinion) a new show would need to get the set built and test it. To test the set would deal with sound checks and lighting issues, make sure the stove won't blow up, blah, blah, blah. I think that would take too much time (maybe someone here would know roughly how long that sort of thing takes for a new show)
The reality is, I know they could just be running a different schedule than they have in past years, but I'm hoping to find out whuzzup.
Does anyone here know if Millionaire tears down every year, or do they leave it up? I could see the possibility of using the soundstage for something else the rest of the year, but I have no idea for what.