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They are reruns, however, of earlier episodes. Both shows' seasons ended in December, and they've chopped them up into two half-hours of reruns for the new time slot.
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by TimK2003 on February 06, 2025, 09:59:57 PM »
This might be crazy talk but Match Game in 1990 was as good, if not better, than Match Game in the 70s and 80s.
Perfectly sane take. It might be because GSN and Buzzr's shown it continuously for 30 years, but I'm good on my MG7x/PM fix. It's not even because some of the humor or Gene's/the panelists' behavior aged like milk; I'm just burned out on that version of the show.

MG90 on the other hand? Buzzr did a marathon of the show last summer and the few eps. I watched was the most MG I'd seen prolly since Baldwin's version ended. Dunno if it's on my "came out a few years too early and a few too late" list, but it deserved longer than a year. Maybe CBS should've aired it?

I enjoy watching MG'90 -- it was better than the later years of Rayburn's MG, when they were heavily editing the gameplay (aka the "answer writing" portions). 

But I think the main reason Shafer's.version stands out was that it was a hell of a lot better than the MGHSH version.  The set didnt look so cheap and the caliber of celebrities was much better. 

And after all thse years, the Match Up rounds are finally starting to grow on me...
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by SuperMatch93 on February 06, 2025, 09:39:12 PM »
I prefer Family Feud when it's played to 200 points, because Richard gets to chat more with the families.
The Big Board / Re: Game show takes: Hot or Not? (The survey)
« Last post by rebelwrest on February 06, 2025, 09:23:24 PM »
Will there be a prize for the "hot take" that splits the room?
It looks as though The CW has moved Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble on Monday nights - and have been cut to thirty minutes each. I only heard about this a few minutes ago. Did anyone hear about this?

The CW schedule says that TP will be on at 9 p.m. ET and Scrabble at 9:30 pm.

Police 24/7 and Crime Nation are airing instead tonight.

The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by BrandonFG on February 06, 2025, 08:28:02 PM »
This might be crazy talk but Match Game in 1990 was as good, if not better, than Match Game in the 70s and 80s.
Perfectly sane take. It might be because GSN and Buzzr's shown it continuously for 30 years, but I'm good on my MG7x/PM fix. It's not even because some of the humor or Gene's/the panelists' behavior aged like milk; I'm just burned out on that version of the show.

MG90 on the other hand? Buzzr did a marathon of the show last summer and the few eps. I watched was the most MG I'd seen prolly since Baldwin's version ended. Dunno if it's on my "came out a few years too early and a few too late" list, but it deserved longer than a year. Maybe CBS should've aired it?
The Big Board / Re: Your hottest game show takes
« Last post by MikeK on February 06, 2025, 08:07:40 PM »
This might be crazy talk but Match Game in 1990 was as good, if not better, than Match Game in the 70s and 80s.
The Big Board / Re: Game show takes: Hot or Not? (The survey)
« Last post by JasonA1 on February 06, 2025, 06:41:38 PM »
I think, for the purposes of this, I'll leave it alone. (I meant the original, as it doesn't say "The All-New".) If you liked either version, mark it as "agree."

The Big Board / Re: Game show takes: Hot or Not? (The survey)
« Last post by TimK2003 on February 06, 2025, 06:31:38 PM »
Jason, the only question I would tweak is be specific as to which 3s A Crowd version you are referring to, as Peck's version was a bit different of an animal than Thicke's version (Kinda like P+ and SP).
The Big Board / Game show takes: Hot or Not? (The survey)
« Last post by JasonA1 on February 06, 2025, 04:25:49 PM »
The "hottest game show takes" thread is great! I was curious just how well some of those opinions would stand up to a poll. So I took 20 of my favorites and put them all here:


We will absolutely NOT share who said what, but for the purposes of keeping the poll legit, simply enter your username and Forum email first before soldiering on. (If you need a reminder of either, click Profile near the top of this page.) I was going to use our embedded polls here, but they don't allow for multiple questions.

And I initially wanted to avoid an "I don't know" option, but realized I should leave an out for anyone who hasn't sampled enough of a certain show to answer the question.

Should we get a sample-worthy number of responses, I'll share the results. Happy survey-taking!

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