The Game Show Forum

The Game Show Forum => The Big Board => Topic started by: brianhenke on August 23, 2016, 03:00:50 PM

Title: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: brianhenke on August 23, 2016, 03:00:50 PM
   The woman who played Carmen Sandiego on the  1996-98 PBS series "Where In Time is Carmen Sandiego?" has been found after 20 years, thanks to a fan of the show.

   She also played various good-girl roles on WITICS, too: (


Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: chad1m on August 23, 2016, 03:21:30 PM
I'd like to think I'm not the only person who saw "Carmen Sandiego has been" in the home page preview and am annoyed that this is what it led me to.
Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: PYLdude on August 23, 2016, 04:29:42 PM
I'd like to think I'm not the only person who saw "Carmen Sandiego has been" in the home page preview and am annoyed that this is what it led me to.

Oh, get off your high horse for once.

For as often as Henke shares duds, this is one of the times where he comes through with something solid. And even if you don't find it interesting, which is certainly your prerogative, this is totally benign compared to his other stuff.
Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: JasonA1 on August 23, 2016, 04:40:19 PM
I'd like to think I'm not the only person who saw "Carmen Sandiego has been" in the home page preview and am annoyed that this is what it led me to.

That exact feeling of deflation happened to me. When I saw the word Carmen in the margin, I didn't click the entire forum topic list, I clicked the topic itself. The bummer had nothing to do with Henke (and Chad never said that either, Chris), but rather that a revival could be possible in the climate we're in.

Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: TLEberle on August 23, 2016, 04:55:31 PM
On the other hand, I had been wondering who lent her voice and look to Carmen's persona on the Where in Time series, so when I finally finish reading the Mevillean piece linked to, it will be worthwhile for me.

/click before you assume, game show fans.
//"...has been what? Acquitted? Found incompetent to stand trial?"
Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: PYLdude on August 23, 2016, 05:10:40 PM
I'd like to think I'm not the only person who saw "Carmen Sandiego has been" in the home page preview and am annoyed that this is what it led me to.

That exact feeling of deflation happened to me. When I saw the word Carmen in the margin, I didn't click the entire forum topic list, I clicked the topic itself. The bummer had nothing to do with Henke (and Chad never said that either, Chris), but rather that a revival could be possible in the climate we're in.


Two points I would like to make.

The first is that while Chad didn't say that directly, that's how it came off.

The second is that I understand the initial excitement of the story potentially being about a revival, but at the same time I think the use of the verb "has been" shouldn't immediately lead you there.
Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: MSTieScott on August 23, 2016, 05:24:30 PM
"Carmen Sandiego has been"

That's no way to talk about Greg Lee.

/I genuinely feel bad for making this joke.
//If it helps, I'll point out that I'm a never-was.
Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: BrandonFG on August 23, 2016, 05:28:59 PM
"Carmen Sandiego has been"

That's no way to talk about Greg Lee.

/I genuinely feel bad for making this joke.
//If it helps, I'll point out that I'm a never-was.
One, I chuckled.

Two, with the above tiff, I thought this was somehow making it seem like the actress playing Carmen was a has been. FWIW, I did initially think this was referring to a revival from seeing the subject line, but this was pretty decent, even if it is yet another Buzzfeed Glamorizes the 90s article. Long story short, it's just a little wordplay causing minds to wander. No more, no less.

I wasn't as big a fan of the Where in Time... series, so I had no idea they even used a live-action Carmen. I guess I learned something today.
Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: PYLdude on August 23, 2016, 05:34:46 PM
Yeah, count me as one who was never aware of the live action Carmen in the Time show. Then again, they made so many changes that it should not surprise me.

/and I still think Kevin Shinick was a mega tool
//glad to see he went on to somewhat better things later on
Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: JasonA1 on August 23, 2016, 06:40:36 PM
The first is that while Chad didn't say that directly, that's how it came off.

That's how it came off to you.

I understand the initial excitement of the story potentially being about a revival, but at the same time I think the use of the verb "has been" shouldn't immediately lead you there.

Could have been "Carmen Sandiego has been revived by PBS!" Even the subject "Carmen Sandiego has been found!" could be one person's way of saying the show is coming back. Heck, it could have referred to props being sold on eBay, episodes posted online, etc. etc.

I think it was an innocent observation and one that I shared (like reacting to people's names as a subject before we had the Birthdays & Obits boards to separate them). I replied because I agreed, and because I find it a little annoying that you wanted to police a thread after your speculative post in the 50 Greatest thread right after Matt suggested how speculating could taint the results. It would make more sense to me if you did this for every post that's critical of Brian. In general, the tone around here has been growing quietly combative when it comes to differing opinions, and it's a shame. I try not to ever mix it up like this, but it's getting tiresome.

As for the article itself, preteen me was deflated by "Where in Time" and I forgot there was even a live action Carmen. Thought the timeline round was cool & it used skill to pick a winner vs. the loot/warrant/crook round.

Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: jjman920 on August 23, 2016, 07:13:15 PM
I think the problem I saw was the use of the word "annoyed." It wasn't really that so much as it was "disappointing." It makes the most sense to me to put Carmen Sandiego in the title and honestly, if it leads off it'll probably catch your eye no matter what's written behind it.

I think this was trending on Facebook or somewhere, as I saw this story beforehand and knew exactly what this thread was for.
Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: PYLdude on August 23, 2016, 07:43:36 PM
Okay, I'm not liking the direction that's being taken here.

One, I'm not trying to "police" anything. I merely stated that I did not appreciate the tone that Chad gave off in his post. If he was trying to make a point about being disappointed in the subject matter then he should simply have said that. Instead, he chose to use the word "annoyed", which is not the same as "disappointed" and implies something different altogether. Words Have Meanings.

Two, I did agree with Matt's point but I doubted that, with so little time left to cast votes, there would've been enough to sway the final tally in any significant direction. The "I've been wrong before" was not meant to be taken at face value. It was an off-the-cuff statement intended as a joke.
Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: chrisholland03 on August 23, 2016, 09:15:52 PM don't like the direction that's being taken

Yet you're not trying to police anything

Are you wearing a uniform and carrying a whistle by chance?

Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: PYLdude on August 23, 2016, 10:30:38 PM don't like the direction that's being taken

Yet you're not trying to police anything

Are you wearing a uniform and carrying a whistle by chance?


Yeah, I don't like it when I'm getting crap for seeing something in a different manner than someone else. Nor do a lot of other people.

I don't care about not having the same interpretation of something as others do. We differ. That's what makes us great.

But I shouldn't have to be put in a position to defend anything because you see what I did as something wrong, nor should I be criticized for perceived inconsistency regarding the OP. I've been critical of Henke in the past but once in awhile he relays a good piece of information that isn't obscure or Cincycentric. And this was one of those times. And thus, I called the spade a spade.
Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: JasonA1 on August 23, 2016, 11:28:47 PM
Your first statement in the thread was "Oh, get off your high horse for once." That didn't set the tone in a measured, "merely stating" place.

Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: TLEberle on August 23, 2016, 11:35:44 PM
As for the article itself, preteen me was deflated by "Where in Time" and I forgot there was even a live action Carmen. Thought the timeline round was cool & it used skill to pick a winner vs. the loot/warrant/crook round.
I would like round two and the end game if they didn't rehash the elements from round one quite so much. One of the things I liked about World is that they embraced the silliness and made it part of the fun. Time was too earnest and therefore it tended towards dorky instead. It was an admirable attempt and I still love the idea of having to atone for wrong answers by performing a penalty, but I can imagine someone seeing Time when expecting World and saying "Pass."
Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: PYLdude on August 23, 2016, 11:40:49 PM
Your first statement in the thread was "Oh, get off your high horse for once." That didn't set the tone in a measured, "merely stating" place.


I'll concede that much. I understand how it might have come off heavier than I intended it to (read: let personal feelings toward Chad do the talking.) I might've done a little better to follow my own advice there and said what I meant (which was Henke got it right this time, let it slide). So neither side is blameless here. I'm guilty in the same vein that I felt he was.
Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: JasonA1 on August 23, 2016, 11:43:18 PM
Time was too earnest and therefore it tended towards dorky instead.

I agree wholeheartedly with this, however, the same demographic seems to love "Legends of the Hidden Temple" which was also an earnest, immersive game. Do you think that worked better than "Time"? And if so, why?

Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: TLEberle on August 24, 2016, 12:10:03 AM
I agree wholeheartedly with this, however, the same demographic seems to love "Legends of the Hidden Temple" which was also an earnest, immersive game. Do you think that worked better than "Time"? And if so, why?
The thing that I'm reminded of when I watch these old shows is that they did things you just could not replicate out of the home office. As goofy as the first three rounds are, and having to suspend belief that the Temple Games are themed around the event and not just drawn from the same pool of five games with new prop dressing, the end game is magnificent and it's as close to Indiana Jones as a kid is going to get.

Sure, the host was outsourced to a rock and a voice-over guy, but for three minutes you got lost in the action, hoping the team would pick the right path or notice little things like the headdress feather in the python room indicated that a Temple Guard was ready to spring, or finding things to throw at the TV because the kid could not be less competent at putting the monkey together than if it was an IKEA bookcase, that at least for me I was always emotionally invested in the outcome: happy when they won and disappointed if they just won the skateboard consolation prize.

With the Trail of Time, the quiz material was rehashed twice before and you generally got a good sense of whether the kid could win it based on how many wrong answers were given. It felt like you were watching a thing happen than experiencing it, at least for me. Where in the World did so many things so well and hit so many high notes that Where in Time was bound to compare unfavorably no matter what. I think that if Where in Time was the first and only we would say "they're trying for a thing and it's got some highlights," but to go from Greg and his marzipan flavored trip portfolio to Kevin Shinick and "activate the time portal!" it's just a cringe-a-minute.
Title: Re: Carmen Sandiego has been found!
Post by: PYLdude on August 24, 2016, 12:21:15 AM
The whole buildup to the Temple Run was what killed Legends for me. It just felt like such a slog to get from point A to B to C and I just didn't have the patience for it. Maybe that's just me being spoiled from the other Nick game shows that I expected more.

The Temple Run was still awesome (although the first season kinda sucked because it just seemed the difficulty was ramped up too high).