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The Game Show Forum => The Big Board => Topic started by: SuperMatch93 on June 29, 2013, 02:29:05 PM

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: SuperMatch93 on June 29, 2013, 02:29:05 PM

Far overdue, in my opinion.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: chad1m on June 29, 2013, 02:32:03 PM

I was hoping we\'d stop giving this site any credibility after the debacle at the beginning of the year.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: TLEberle on June 29, 2013, 03:22:07 PM

I stand with Chad.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: PYLdude on June 29, 2013, 10:18:48 PM
This is yet another issue I have with GSG. This should\'ve been one of the very first inductions he made. Not an obscure answer from a Match Game episode six people saw, a Canadian series no one heard of, or any of the various filler inductions that comprise 60% of the GSG dossier.

Seidelman would\'ve benefitted from taking an example from his inspiration. If there\'s something you have to stretch out to justify including it on a hall of shame site chances are it isn\'t worth it. See also Matthew Gregg, James Rolfe, and certain members of Something Awful.
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: TLEberle on June 30, 2013, 02:41:54 AM
He doesn\'t need to take an example from his inspiration; he needs to learn how to write an explanatory piece. It is bad enough that he doesn\'t have the comedic chops or timing to carry this sort of thing off without making it look like he\'s the Comic Book Guy looking down his nose at something, but he\'s just not all that competent with the language. This was the case 15 years ago when we were both on the same message board, and it hasn\'t changed.
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: dmota104 on July 01, 2013, 09:48:21 AM

Taking the high road as best as I can.  I certainly don\'t mind a website of criticism -- as long as there\'s plenty of fact to back up the criticism.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: clemon79 on July 01, 2013, 11:18:05 AM

I certainly don\'t mind a website of criticism


Except this concept isn\'t supposed to be about criticism; it\'s supposed to be about comedy. That you interpret it as the former throws into sharp relief how much he fails at the latter.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: TLEberle on July 01, 2013, 11:46:49 AM

Taking the high road as best as I can.  I certainly don\'t mind a website of criticism -- as long as there\'s plenty of fact to back up the criticism.

But any criticism doesn\'t fall back on fact, it falls back on opinion. I think NBC game shows are largely crap because reasons A, B and C which are all things I don\'t like. Why don\'t I like them? Because I\'d prefer something else. Why would I prefer something else? Because I think it would be better.

See note at \"recursion\".
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: PYLdude on July 01, 2013, 08:49:38 PM

I certainly don\'t mind a website of criticism


Except this concept isn\'t supposed to be about criticism; it\'s supposed to be about comedy. That you interpret it as the former throws into sharp relief how much he fails at the latter.

As someone who was part of the group that brought GSG about (not being snarky-trust me), I can testify to the fact that despite the bad comedic timing the site is largely about criticism. Has been since day one.

The obscurities are what kill the site first. His writing style, which has not improved sadly since he started the site, is the secondary killer. The comedic timing is third.

Where Rob failed the most is the inability to take constructive criticism. People were telling him what he wanted to hear. I was the only person who told him what he needed to hear and volunteered to help saying I would take some of the writing responsibility off his hands do he could focus on building the site. Could I have done better? Who knows.

The problem is that there are a lot of people who are afraid to criticize Rob because they\'re concerned over his mental state and that he might harm himself. But sometimes you have to overlook that.

Like in the following instance. Rob hosted a wrestling-centric talker on Fridays. I did participate in the early episodes but found one of his cohosts to be quite unbearable. Things came to a head when I stated an opinion on something and this person not only dismissed me but went after my level of intelligence about things compared to theirs. I disconnected immediately after that and told Rob I was going to be damned if I was going to have my mental capacity questioned by someone who doesn\'t know me.

I never forgot it either and that was a large part of the reason why my relationship with him and a few others became fractured. But that\'s how Rob is- he\'s very naive and manipulative.
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: TLEberle on July 01, 2013, 09:08:31 PM

The problem is that there are a lot of people who are afraid to criticize Rob because they\'re concerned over his mental state and that he might harm himself. But sometimes you have to overlook that.

I don\'t give a damn about his mental state and if he\'ll harm himself; I give a damn that he tried to pay someone to whip my ass.

He\'s a terrible writer writing terrible stuff. The rest of the stuff is ancillary.
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: BrandonFG on July 01, 2013, 09:19:31 PM

For the first time ever, I wished I had been the producer of that mess so I could tell Mr. Seidelman where to stick it. And I thought the show blew.


There\'s criticism, there\'s bashing, there\'s the MST3K treatment, then there\'s just going off the deep end and talking out your ass. Guess which category this dude falls into?

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: clemon79 on July 01, 2013, 09:21:43 PM

As someone who was part of the group that brought GSG about (not being snarky-trust me), I can testify to the fact that despite the bad comedic timing the site is largely about criticism. Has been since day one.

Then he utterly missed the point. 

I give a damn that he tried to pay someone to whip my ass.

But that\'s just foolish. I\'d do it for free. ;)
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: PYLdude on July 01, 2013, 09:47:03 PM

The problem is that there are a lot of people who are afraid to criticize Rob because they\'re concerned over his mental state and that he might harm himself. But sometimes you have to overlook that.

I don\'t give a damn about his mental state and if he\'ll harm himself; I give a damn that he tried to pay someone to whip my ass.

He\'s a terrible writer writing terrible stuff. The rest of the stuff is ancillary.

And therein lies my point again. No one wants to tell him that.

See Travis, you and I can see through it all. You had your stake, and I tried my best to help the kid. It didn\'t work and the people next to him didn\'t see that until it was way too late. I know some people weren\'t happy with the \"true colors\" statement I made last week but the whole rigamarole including GSG was the reasoning. It cost me a few things but the biggest thing was a friendship and that still bothers me to this day because you\'d like to think that the older you get, the more you get past not being able to trust people.
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: dmota104 on July 01, 2013, 10:49:47 PM

But – uh – back to SuperMatch93\'s point TDB\'s induction into GSG is long overdue. That\'s a point I 100% agree with.


Seidelman has been known to induct based on themes. TDB just concluded a series of kids\' game show inductions. He had a previous series of kid show inductions – and I\'m guesstimating that was about a year or so ago. Should\'ve inducted TDB then.


It is here I should disclose I provided a dose of analysis to his induction of “Shopper\'s Casino” – which, for my money, still remains the worst game show ever with TDB an extremely close second. The graphics package that the technology of 2004 provided, even if it turned out ugly on the air, and TDB\'s “attempt” to be an educational show get the admittedly unfair advantage in my book over SC.


Further, a link to GSG still exists on my website – even after a certain controversial induction we\'d rather not relive. I seriously considered removing the link after that induction. But that would be censorship.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: clemon79 on July 01, 2013, 10:52:50 PM

I seriously considered removing the link after that induction. But that would be censorship.


Censorship? Are you serious?

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: PYLdude on July 01, 2013, 10:56:57 PM
Censorship, hell. The GR debacle was my last straw.
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: Matt Ottinger on July 01, 2013, 11:57:46 PM

But – uh – back to SuperMatch93\'s point TDB\'s induction into GSG is long overdue. That\'s a point I 100% agree with.


Except that by saying something like that, you and a handful of others are giving the website far more credence than it deserves in the first place.  You guys are talking about this like it\'s a Grand Important Institution in our little fandom, and frankly, I\'ve barely heard of it.


The tag line for this particular entry, the thing that\'s supposed to grab you and make you want to read more, says \"The only bee that enforced stereotypes rather than being worth anything at the end.\"  I\'m not even sure what that means.  Apparently there\'s a whole history with this site and a bunch of you that I thankfully managed to avoid, but I just don\'t see why I\'m supposed to care about the written criticisms of a writer who writes that badly.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: TLEberle on July 02, 2013, 12:14:00 AM

but I just don\'t see why I\'m supposed to care about the written criticisms of a writer who writes that badly.

You aren\'t.
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: clemon79 on July 02, 2013, 12:15:59 AM

Yeah, I don\'t think people realize when they refer to these articles as \"inductions,\" it\'s coming off as incredibly self-important on the author\'s behalf, for lack of a better way to put it.


Tonight, I am inducting broccoli into my personal Awful Vegetable Hall of Fame. See? Nobody gives a crap. Nor should they, because anyone who gives a rip about what vegetables I do or do not like seriously needs to reexamine their priorities.


This. Guy. Does. Not. Matter. If you disagree with me and think he does, fine; I\'ll happily dismiss you as a tosser. But if you agree with me, I urge you not to bestow any more credibility on him than he deserves. Which, from the looks of his work, is next to none.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: Kevin Prather on July 02, 2013, 05:06:58 AM

Tonight, I am inducting broccoli into my personal Awful Vegetable Hall of Fame.

You just lost your credibility. Broccoli is delicious.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: dmota104 on July 02, 2013, 08:59:13 AM

At the end of the day, am I defending GSG?  Overall, no.  Am I trying to be fair?  That\'s a bit more like it.


There are posts and inductions I disagree with.  For example, I don\'t think \"Name That Video\" was all that bad.  In fact, one of my then radio co-workers and I spoke of NTV fondly during its run on VH1.   We often found ourselves quoting the bonus round catch phrase.  \"Name ten of these and you get the keys.\"


On the other side of the coin, I think Seidelman\'s induction of \"It\'s Torture!\" hit a home run.  Until the induction, I had never heard of \"It\'s Torture!\", never read its entry on and never saw video.  Now that I\'m aware of \"It\'s Torture!\" and later read the entry and saw video, I wonder why ITV and TVS allowed the show to air.  


Just like \"Secrets of the Cryptkeeper\'s Haunted House\" here in the states, it\'s a good thing \"Torture!\" didn\'t last beyond its first season (or series to use their terminology).

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: SuperMatch93 on July 02, 2013, 11:34:11 AM

For the record, the only reason I linked to this is because I remember when TDB was a minor meme here, back when it was on Mike Klauss\'s old site. I do understand that GSG has had a tenuous relationship with just about every serious game show website in existence, and I remember reading the G-R \"induction\" the day it came out and thinking, \"Welp, all credibility that he had at one point or could\'ve had at some point is out the window.\"


Sometimes, after reading something of his, I like to watch an episode of AVGN (my favorite is the Dick Tracy one) to remind myself that criticism and comedy can co-exist... if written well.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: clemon79 on July 02, 2013, 11:40:33 AM

At the end of the day, am I defending GSG?  Overall, no. Am I trying to be fair?  That\'s a bit more like it.


At the end of the day, you are lending it credibility that it does not deserve.


That, and not what side of the line you come down on, is what is making you look terribly foolish.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: Vahan_Nisanian on July 02, 2013, 11:50:07 AM

At the end of the day, you are lending it credibility that it does not deserve.


And at the end of the day, you shouldn\'t force people to have a popular opinion. Let them have their own opinion on GSG, no matter how unpopular it is here.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: TLEberle on July 02, 2013, 12:08:13 PM

And at the end of the day, you shouldn\'t force people to have a popular opinion.

Who here is doing that?
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: clemon79 on July 02, 2013, 01:19:47 PM

And at the end of the day, you shouldn\'t force people to have a popular opinion.

Who here is doing that?


Yes, I\'m keen to know the answer to this myself.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: dmota104 on July 02, 2013, 01:38:42 PM

Sometimes, after reading something of his, I like to watch an episode of AVGN (my favorite is the Dick Tracy one) to remind myself that criticism and comedy can co-exist... if written well.


Amen and amen. 


If anyone from GSG is reading this thread, may you strive to swing for the fences instead of aiming to hit below the belt.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: aaron sica on July 02, 2013, 04:34:02 PM


At the end of the day, you are lending it credibility that it does not deserve.


And at the end of the day, you shouldn\'t force people to have a popular opinion. Let them have their own opinion on GSG, no matter how unpopular it is here.


Grownups are speaking.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: PYLdude on July 02, 2013, 05:00:03 PM
You know, GSL actually makes a completely valid point.

Quality and stuff like that aside, the fact is that in spite of all that, GSG has found a rather large fan base since it was launched. What that may say about the fan base is another story. But this is something that as much as it may boggle our minds can\'t be ignored. Just as it isn\'t smart of him to stretch as far as he does to find inductions, it also isn\'t fully fair to dismiss the site as irrelevant either. And although I\'ve agreed with Chris L. on his points here the broccoli point was just unnecessarily childish.
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: TLEberle on July 02, 2013, 05:13:19 PM
How big a fanbase could it be?
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: PYLdude on July 02, 2013, 05:26:02 PM

How big a fanbase could it be?

Big enough. Trust me- there\'s a lot of people in its fan base. I don\'t think it\'s growing at such a high rate anymore but it has a good sized following like it or hate it.
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: TLEberle on July 02, 2013, 05:37:26 PM
Here\'s the thing; what Rob\'s doing isn\'t criticism or commentary; it is the equivalent of picking on the fat kid with braces and the uncool clothes. It is literally a case of \"I don\'t like this thing and I\'m going to make fun of it because I can,\" done by someone who wears a TTD90 dragon shirt and who has absolutely no screen presence or charisma in his point-and-shoot videos where he opines about a thing from the confines of his bedroom.

If people go in for that sort of thing it displays a similar lack of character on their part.
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: clemon79 on July 02, 2013, 06:12:09 PM

unnecessarily childish.


The hell?

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: PYLdude on July 02, 2013, 10:21:27 PM

Here\'s the thing; what Rob\'s doing isn\'t criticism or commentary; it is the equivalent of picking on the fat kid with braces and the uncool clothes. It is literally a case of \"I don\'t like this thing and I\'m going to make fun of it because I can,\" done by someone who wears a TTD90 dragon shirt and who has absolutely no screen presence or charisma in his point-and-shoot videos where he opines about a thing from the confines of his bedroom.

If people go in for that sort of thing it displays a similar lack of character on their part.

I gotta say at this point I don\'t think the argument is about GSG anymore.

Because the description you put out there can be applied to EVERY critic\'s site. Wouldn\'t you agree that\'s what being critical/poking fun at is about, making fun of it because you can? Regardless of how misguided the person behind it may or may not be?
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: PYLdude on July 02, 2013, 10:22:51 PM

unnecessarily childish.


The hell?

You didn\'t have to go there, did you? You did anyway, didn\'t you?

Like I said, you don\'t need to be over the top ALL the time.
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: clemon79 on July 02, 2013, 10:32:38 PM

You didn\'t have to go there, did you? You did anyway, didn\'t you?

Like I said, you don\'t need to be over the top ALL the time.

I genuinely don\'t know what in the blue hell you are going on about.

You\'d do well to take some of your own advice.

Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: TLEberle on July 02, 2013, 10:33:20 PM

You didn\'t have to go there, did you? You did anyway, didn\'t you?

Like I said, you don\'t need to be over the top ALL the time.

It wasn\'t over the top. It\'s just like when JVBT would say that whoever was the fifth biggest numbskull in the history of Deal or No Deal because she didn\'t play the game in the fashion he thought she should. I\'m not going to take that as gospel, I\'m going to dismiss it as foolishness.

We don\'t care what is in Rob\'s hall of shame because he\'s a twerp and has not built the reputation or foundation of respect so that we might say \"huh, he has a point there.\"

I gotta say at this point I don\'t think the argument is about GSG anymore.

Because the description you put out there can be applied to EVERY critic\'s site. Wouldn\'t you agree that\'s what being critical/poking fun at is about, making fun of it because you can? Regardless of how misguided the person behind it may or may not be?

No. You can criticize something for being lousy without being ham-handed or an Adam Henry about it. Roger Ebert did it enough times that he has at least two books in the Your Movie Sucks pantheon. Roger Ebert also has reviewed some masterful pieces of cinema, and treated them with the reverence deserved.

Some dink gave a lousy answer on Match Game.

A young girl got confused in front of a green screen and failed to negotiate a bonus round.

Patricia Heaton can\'t do single digit multiplication.

Patrick Duffy is unfit to hold Bill Cullen\'s jock, much less Mark L. Walberg\'s.

Golly dang, Family Feud is a slog when they play to 400, isn\'t it.

There\'s five \"inductions\", boiled down to roughly a tweet each. That is also roughly what each of them deserved.
Title: Game Show Garbage inducts Thou$and Dollar Bee
Post by: PYLdude on July 02, 2013, 10:45:39 PM
Four out of those five for sure. The only one I don\'t agree with is the Patrick Duffy thing, although I would have liked to see the show inducted as a whole.

Besides, his Carnie Wilson induction was unfair (she really didn\'t do much to warrant it and he dismissed me abruptly when I called him on it) and the \" April Fools\" induction was a joke because you and I witnessed he said Celebrity Blackjack was a better show (FTR the \"joke\" induction was Jeopardy for those curious). Either one of those are better examples to use than the Duffy thing IMO. But that\'s why it\'s MO. YOMV.