The Game Show Forum

The Game Show Forum => The Big Board => Topic started by: tvmitch on January 02, 2010, 12:47:58 PM

Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: tvmitch on January 02, 2010, 12:47:58 PM
Do you ever find yourself saying a B-level catchphrase from a game show in your work or home environment? The kind of thing where you say it almost for your own amusement and not because you expect the other party to know the reference? I'm not talking about "Big Bucks No Whammies" here.

Example: I have a dry erase surface in my office that's across from my desk on the wall. Last week, my boss walked in and asked me a question, and I had already doodled out an answer on the surface. I said to my boss:

"Look at the board."

Any other ones you guys use?
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Jimmy Owen on January 02, 2010, 12:57:53 PM
One that I hear more often, usually in the club, is from "The Big Showdown"...."and that puts the block on Jim."  From "Hot Seat," "no, I wouldn't do that."
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: geno57 on January 02, 2010, 01:15:09 PM
"Good answer!  Good answer!"

"Not a match, the board goes back..."

"Circle gets the square!"
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: TLEberle on January 02, 2010, 02:15:56 PM
[quote name=\'tvmitch\' post=\'233421\' date=\'Jan 2 2010, 09:47 AM\']Do you ever find yourself saying a B-level catchphrase from a game show in your work or home environment?[/quote]Almost constantly, depending on the environment. My sister got several rolls worth of one-dollar bills as a gift this Christmas. As she finished unrolling and counting the money I said, "Now you can keep the money there or trade it for the box on Jay's tray." I actually got a small laugh from the family.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: tomobrien on January 02, 2010, 05:25:12 PM
"I'll freeze, Bill."
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: DrBear on January 02, 2010, 06:27:37 PM
I remember when "Three on a Match" was on, I was in high school and a bunch of us used to say "that's true, Bill" whenever it seemed appropriate.

One I've definitely picked up as has my wife is Brett Somers' favorite on-air expression, "good gravy Marie."

I keep looking for reasons to insert "that's one down and nine to go, Miss Kilgallen?" into conversations.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: comicus on January 02, 2010, 07:54:55 PM
I often use "...yours for the low low Sale of the Century price of (___)" when speaking of something ridiculously cheap or ludicrously overpriced.  Few get it.  Most of the same also question why I say "See you tomorrow, I hope" when I'm saying fare-thee-well.

My friend Chuck is fond of using the phrase "Joker, JOKER... (*dejected voice*) Maps of States" in "epic fail" situations.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Clay Zambo on January 02, 2010, 08:02:26 PM
Did I ever use a game-show catch-phrase in ordinary conversation?

Yes, I did, Geoff.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Mr. Matté on January 02, 2010, 09:21:11 PM
I often use the misquote "DOUBLING THE ____________!!11" followed by fake cheers with the blank filled in by whatever I saw, usually something I don't like.

Also, I use Gene Rayburn's "What's in the paper today, Charles?" a lot even when the person who is reading the newspaper isn't named Charles.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: The Ol' Guy on January 02, 2010, 09:58:10 PM
I also like to work in "That's one down and nine to go...Bennett?" when possible. There are a few machines at the factory that give out with a couple of quick buzzer sounds back-to-back, and I'll tend to say, "Try again." Usually under my breath, while co-workers mentally measure me for a Kalamazoo tuxedo.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: uncleplinko on January 02, 2010, 10:37:16 PM
If I get a drink out of the fridge, I will say, "Going once?  Going twice??  No sale."
If it's a difficult decision, I'll sometimes go, "Here's your extra time."
When someone tries to get my attention, in my best Paul Lynde, I'll turn and say, "Whaddya want, Beaver Face?"
I have worked in, "One down, nine to go, Miss Killgallen" into conversation...usually gets a giggle.

My college friends have now taken to saying "Pow-pow-pachow" ("Price's" losing horns) in disappointing situations.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: davidhammett on January 02, 2010, 10:48:36 PM
I've used several of the ones already mentioned, plus:

... when someone is wrong, in my best Art Fleming, "No, sorry..."
... likewise, if some (female) celebrity is mentioned, I might interject, "... a lovely lady and performer..."
... if someone is debating getting dessert: "Do you quit, or do you go on?"
... I might tell someone to give it "everything you've got!"
... if someone didn't quite complete a task: "Well, you did get the all important 1..."
... when someone has made up their mind, I might comment, "It cannot be changed."

/more to come?
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: comicus on January 02, 2010, 11:04:18 PM
"It doesn't count and you DON'T get to spin again."  -- used infrequently in response to embarrassing moments of fail.

Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Unrealtor on January 03, 2010, 12:31:07 AM
I'll occasionally use "Here is your first subject... Go!". That's about the only one that isn't universally recognized.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: TimK2003 on January 03, 2010, 12:50:51 AM
When I'm in a surly mood, I'll pull an Alex Trebek "I Speak French So Superior" attitude and will say something along the lines of "Ooh, I'm sorry, the correct response was, "What is Boo-jhay, Boo-jhoo-lay" or something that sounds very French...

I also tend to say Sevennnahhh, and Many Moon Come -- Niner, a lot.

Does any Celebrity Jeopardy/Sean Connery "Trebek's Mother" retort count too???
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Thunder on January 03, 2010, 02:36:02 AM
[quote name=\'comicus\' post=\'233444\' date=\'Jan 2 2010, 07:54 PM\']I often use "...yours for the low low Sale of the Century price of (___)" when speaking of something ridiculously cheap or ludicrously overpriced.  Few get it. ...[/quote]

Weird timing on that one, because I used the very same "Low $ale of the Century price of just $50" on a SouthsideCentral blog article tonight. Heh. (http://\"\")
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Bill Neuweiler on January 03, 2010, 09:35:45 AM
A lady ordering dinner opted to chose an appetizer instead of an entree for her main course.  In her ordering she said to me, the waiter, "Bill I think I'm going to go off the board and take the calamari."   She knew she referenced something, but was unsure as to what game it was exactly.  Either way I thought it was cool.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Yogi007 on January 03, 2010, 10:19:47 AM
I have also used the "one down, nine to go, Ms. Francis" at work (and nobody understands it). In addition, I have used pacdude's TPIR's horns from his website at work when somebody did something that warranted an EPIC FAIL.  My coworker doesn't have the website saved on her desktop for easy access, but when she needs it, she'll just say the words just has it is sounded and to me, it's just funny to hear it from her.  Thanks Cory!
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: bscripps on January 03, 2010, 12:28:44 PM
I've used "Will the mystery guest enter and sign in please?" and "One down, nine to go" quite frequently (several of my coworkers are actually old enough to remember the references from the original airings), but I might have to borrow the "Joker...Joker...Maps of Nations" mentioned earlier--I like that one a lot.

But let me try to one-up y'all.  We have an audio clip player that, when I'm running audio for a newscast, I don't use at all.  I've hidden a handful of game show sound effects in that system, and leave it in cue (meaning we can hear it in the control room speakers, but it doesn't go out over the air).  When we get into a break and the director mentions something that was wrong and needs to be fixed for future shows, I'll trigger the TPiR losing horns.  When someone is asked a question, out comes the Jeopardy! think music.  And, on a good night, I'll get the Pyramid clock sound effect started exactly 60 seconds before the end of the show; once we get down to the last 10 seconds or so and we're just waiting for the show to come to an end, I'll fade that up in cue and, if I timed it right, the buzzer sounds right on time.

\I love being a nerd
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Marc412 on January 03, 2010, 01:26:19 PM
For me, watching sports gives me many chances to use phrases from game shows.  For example:

When watching a football game, I sometimes say, "Your two-minute drill... begins now!" at the appropriate moment, i.e., when the trailing team has the ball with two minutes left in the game, and they can win or tie with a TD or field goal.  (Similarly, in 2008, the last year of the Arena Football League, I sometimes announced the last minute of a game with the words "We start the speed round... NOW!")

And I don't know how many times I've said, "One to tie, two to win" or similar words in the closing moments of a game, be it baseball, football, basketball, etc.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Steve Gavazzi on January 03, 2010, 02:00:58 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only person stealing lines from John Daly.

[quote name=\'DrBear\' post=\'233442\' date=\'Jan 2 2010, 06:27 PM\']One I've definitely picked up as has my wife is Brett Somers' favorite on-air expression, "good gravy Marie."[/quote]
I catch myself saying "Criminy Dutch" every once in a while.

(Never did understand that one...and yet I say it.)
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on January 03, 2010, 02:30:11 PM
I use Trebek's "Oooh, sorry..." quite a bit.

In College Bowl practices when we pulled out Trivial Pursuit and it came down to the winning question, I would come up with a Jack Barry-esque monologue.

Whenever I'm repairing a computer that won't even turn on, I use "Let's light up the board" from Now You See It when trying to power it up.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: vtown7 on January 03, 2010, 02:36:04 PM
I've coached my school's quiz bowl team for the last five years and last year became the regional coordinator, complete with two tourneys at my school.  To my delight (ok, I planned it) I got to host the majority of the games at the regional level and have caught myself several times stating "... is the wrong answer" a la Chris Tarrant.

Question for those of you who currently or previously get to host/moderate these high school quiz games: Do you find at times the kids are a bit too into it?  I try to keep a light hearted mood to the atmosphere but sometimes I have some players who look like they're going shoot laser beams from their eyes if I don't move onto the next question immediately.  With that being said, I know when to be serious during the final rounds of the game.


/who was disappointed when he had to read out a question asking the "largest lake in the world" but not specifying if the answer referred to depth or surface area
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on January 03, 2010, 02:44:59 PM
[quote name=\'vtown7\' post=\'233481\' date=\'Jan 3 2010, 01:36 PM\']Question for those of you who currently or previously get to host/moderate these high school quiz games: Do you find at times the kids are a bit too into it?  I try to keep a light hearted mood to the atmosphere but sometimes I have some players who look like they're going shoot laser beams from their eyes if I don't move onto the next question immediately.  With that being said, I know when to be serious during the final rounds of the game.[/quote]
We're instructed that no matter how fast or how slow we go, to keep the same pace throughout the game to keep it fair. If both teams agree at the half that my pace needs to be altered, then I adjust accordingly. Once, we had a team who was down by about 50 points with a minute left nearly yelling at me to speed up. I just kept my pace for the whole game, and they lost. I got quite a few nasty glares after that, despite my explanation that my unexpected change in speed would be seen as cheating in their favor.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: uncleplinko on January 03, 2010, 03:03:01 PM
[quote name=\'vtown7\' post=\'233481\' date=\'Jan 3 2010, 02:36 PM\']Question for those of you who currently or previously get to host/moderate these high school quiz games: Do you find at times the kids are a bit too into it?  I try to keep a light hearted mood to the atmosphere but sometimes I have some players who look like they're going shoot laser beams from their eyes if I don't move onto the next question immediately.  With that being said, I know when to be serious during the final rounds of the game.[/quote]

When I moderated rounds for a regional College Bowl tournament a couple of years ago, I tried to keep a steady pace, but interject humor when the moment called for it.  Every team in our Region (Region 7: Midwest, for all you former CB'ers) got it, went with it, chuckled, and enjoyed it.  I even won "Best Moderator" that year.  Twas a great year...and hosted by Ohio U, so no travel!
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: chad1m on January 03, 2010, 03:28:46 PM
[quote name=\'uncleplinko\' post=\'233483\' date=\'Jan 3 2010, 03:03 PM\']I tried to keep a steady pace, but interject humor when the moment called for it.[/quote]That's how I moderate (for the middle school league). Keep things flowing, but if an obvious joke or reference should be made, go ahead and make it but make it quickly. In my quiz bowl career, I've had too many moderators take 45 seconds to read a question or just sit there bored out of their mind, as if they'd rather be anywhere else. I take pride in how well I read and run things because I want to make sure the kids have a good time.

Thread relation: During our lightning rounds, I often steal "The lightning round begins... now" from Matt Ottinger who in turn stole it from Jim Perry.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: davidhammett on January 03, 2010, 04:36:32 PM
Back to the original topic... sort of...

My bowling team of game show aficionados is called "High Rollers."  We'll use a variety of game show sayings very naturally through a typical match (e.g., if we think someone's going to make a strike, then doesn't, you might hear "Joker, Joker... Pot Luck Pix" or some such), but our more distinctive trademark are the game show sound effects that we use when we bowl x strikes in a row.  Our current line-up of effects are as follows:

2 strikes in a row (double)... the "doubles" sound effect from Wink's High Rollers
3 strikes in a row (turkey)... the buzz-in from Blockbusters (which does sound eerily similar to a gobbling turkey)
4 strikes in a row... the Double Showcase "whoop whoop"
5 strikes in a row... the clanging bell from a $ale Surprise
6 strikes in a row... the first few notes, then clapping from the opening of Bullseye
7 strikes in a row... the 4-stars-can-be-captured effect from Battlestars
8 strikes in a row... the theme music to Pitfall
9 strikes in a row... the theme music to Whew!

Our averages are in the 150's and 160's, so we don't get much above 3 or 4 strikes in a row often; the most anyone had in a regular game was 7.  (We created 8 and 9 when we needed them for a no tap tournament.)

Any suggestions for 10-12?
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: NickS on January 03, 2010, 05:00:27 PM
[quote name=\'davidhammett\' post=\'233486\' date=\'Jan 3 2010, 03:36 PM\']Any suggestions for 10-12?[/quote]
10 - the theme music to Card Sharks 78
11 - the theme music to 25,000 Pyramid -> homage to a "7-11"
I'd say for a perfect game you could do the lot win music from $OTC.

Just my .02.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: ethanmx2 on January 03, 2010, 05:27:51 PM
I agree that a perfect game needs the lot win from $ale, but I think there's one better.

for 10: Perhaps the ladder or the win cue from Trivia Trap

for 11: The roll has to be the $500,000 final answer from Millionaire, with the win cue if you get it.

for 12: The setup: Million dollar question cue; the roll: $1M final answer; hit: $1m win cue; miss: $1m lose cue

PS: Where do you guys bowl? I bowl at Gable House here in Torrance, and would love to get in a team of fello GS geeks :P
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Fedya on January 03, 2010, 07:27:57 PM
[quote name=\'TeppanYaki\' post=\'233489\' date=\'Jan 3 2010, 05:00 PM\'][quote name=\'davidhammett\' post=\'233486\' date=\'Jan 3 2010, 03:36 PM\']Any suggestions for 10-12?[/quote]
10 - the theme music to Card Sharks 78
Isn't that the same theme as Trebek Double Dare?  If so, it would be more appropriate for two strikes in a row.

As for when your teammates throw a really bad ball, the obvious phrase to use is the "Good answer!  Good answer!" nonsense from Family Feud that everybody used no matter how awful the answer.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: BrandonFG on January 03, 2010, 07:50:54 PM
The TPiR fail horns are quite popular amongst my friends and co-workers, whether it's hummed or the actual sound effect. (http://\"\") The Bankrupt sound effect from Wheel is also quite popular at work.
I also like to throw out a quick "Survey says...BZZZZZ!" to jokingly refute a point, and I've had at least one friend say "Bzz-bzz...try again" from Fast Money.

Yes, I hang with people just as nerdy and juvenile as me at times. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?!
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Chief-O on January 03, 2010, 09:56:40 PM
Sometimes, when things just fall apart during one of our tapings at the public access station, I wish I had an Easy Button-style device that plays the TPIR losing horns.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: GameShowGuru on January 04, 2010, 01:30:34 AM
Not a phrase per se, but worthy of mention:

Don't know how many people listen to public radio, but whenever I listen to PRI's radio show "Marketplace" and the host prepares to announce the stock segment of the program: "But first, let's do the numbers", I have a habit of doing the High Rollers drumroll.

One really bad habit I had about 8-9 years ago that took a while to break was whenever someone said something to the effect of: "[Noun/Verb] is so [adjective]", I couldn't help but bust out with a "How [adjective] is/was it?"

Whenever someone declines an offer by saying "I'll [have to] pass", I make the Press Your Luck pass SFX.

Whenever I played Scrabble or was watching someone else play, and they disagreed with an opponent's word and said, "I challenge", I made the Hot Potato "WHOOP-CLANG" SFX.

Just to name a few.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: davidhammett on January 04, 2010, 01:41:22 AM
[quote name=\'ethanmx2\' post=\'233491\' date=\'Jan 3 2010, 05:27 PM\']PS: Where do you guys bowl? I bowl at Gable House here in Torrance, and would love to get in a team of fello GS geeks :P[/quote]
We're just one team in an otherwise "normal" league at Valencia Lanes in Newhall.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: whoww on January 04, 2010, 01:49:11 AM
[quote name=\'tomobrien\' post=\'233441\' date=\'Jan 2 2010, 02:25 PM\']"I'll freeze, Bill."[/quote]


Happy New Year.

Ronnie G.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: chris319 on January 04, 2010, 04:31:46 AM
We're just one team in an otherwise "normal" league at Valencia Lanes in Newhall.
If it's in Newhall then why don't they call it Newhall Lanes? I suppose you're going to tell me it's because there's already a Newhall Lanes in Valencia.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: chris319 on January 04, 2010, 04:39:59 AM
I am pleased to say that I pronounce "new car" and "Drew Carey" with normal inflection.

"Not a match, the board goes back..."
I hope you don't make a "klunklunk ... klunk" noise after saying this.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: davidhammett on January 04, 2010, 09:50:26 AM
[quote name=\'chris319\' post=\'233513\' date=\'Jan 4 2010, 04:31 AM\']
We're just one team in an otherwise "normal" league at Valencia Lanes in Newhall.
If it's in Newhall then why don't they call it Newhall Lanes? I suppose you're going to tell me it's because there's already a Newhall Lanes in Valencia.
Actually, there's only two places up there... Valencia Lanes and Santa Clarita Lanes (the latter being more appropriately named).  Beats me why Valencia's name doesn't match the location!
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Don Howard on January 04, 2010, 09:59:20 AM
These threads do careen off-course, don't they?
Staying with the bowling theme while incorporating the original spirit of this topic, whenever I've bowled a few bad frames, I'll usually say, "Oh, The Pin Pal at home is going to be very disappointed with me".
[quote name=\'uncleplinko\' post=\'233483\' date=\'Jan 3 2010, 03:03 PM\']When I moderated rounds for a regional College Bowl tournament a couple of years ago, I tried to keep a steady pace, but interject humor when the moment called for it.  Every team in our Region (Region 7: Midwest, for all you former CB'ers) got it, went with it, chuckled, and enjoyed it. I even won "Best Moderator" that year.[/quote]
Which was very well deserved. During the couple of years I "coached" (that's a crock; the first year I was the so-called coach I didn't know half the darned rules) Ohio University's team, I just knocked it up. But when you succeeded me, you married it. And I couldn't have been prouder.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Mr. Bill on January 04, 2010, 03:55:09 PM
[quote name=\'chris319\' post=\'233513\' date=\'Jan 4 2010, 04:31 AM\']
We're just one team in an otherwise "normal" league at Valencia Lanes in Newhall.
If it's in Newhall then why don't they call it Newhall Lanes? I suppose you're going to tell me it's because there's already a Newhall Lanes in Valencia.

When I see an absolutely horrible contestant on TPIR, I invoke the spirit of Gilbert Gottfried:  YOU FOOL!!!
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Ian Wallis on January 04, 2010, 05:11:40 PM
My bowling team of game show aficionados is called "High Rollers."

I bowled in a league from '73-84 (when I was VERY young!)  One year when it came time to name our team nobody could think of anything, so one of my teammates suggested "High Rollers" and that's what we went by.  I don't think he'd ever seen the show.

Another year I was on a team of three called "Three's Company".  

I guess we watched too much TV back then!
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Gus on January 04, 2010, 09:04:51 PM
[quote name=\'bscripps\' post=\'233474\' date=\'Jan 3 2010, 11:28 AM\']But let me try to one-up y'all.  We have an audio clip player that, when I'm running audio for a newscast, I don't use at all.  I've hidden a handful of game show sound effects in that system, and leave it in cue (meaning we can hear it in the control room speakers, but it doesn't go out over the air).  When we get into a break and the director mentions something that was wrong and needs to be fixed for future shows, I'll trigger the TPiR losing horns.  When someone is asked a question, out comes the Jeopardy! think music.  And, on a good night, I'll get the Pyramid clock sound effect started exactly 60 seconds before the end of the show; once we get down to the last 10 seconds or so and we're just waiting for the show to come to an end, I'll fade that up in cue and, if I timed it right, the buzzer sounds right on time.

\I love being a nerd[/quote]
Exact same thing here, except we actually use our Digicart for the news, so I can't do the Pyramid thing since we already have the ending music deadrolled on it. I actually do play the 1964-1997 era Jeopardy! think music on air for our daily Weather Trivia bit, and since the anchor gets to answer the question, I have another button with a triple-NBC-ding-and-McKenzie-applause for a correct answer, and another with a Family-Feud-"strike"-followed-by-McKenzie-"aww" for a wrong answer. And just for fun off-air, I have TPIR Losing Horns, Bankrupt, Whammy Buzz, Whammy Boing, that two-note synthesized "weeeew-weeeeeeew" from the unused Card Sharks tracks (http://\"\"), three dings by themselves, a dramatic stinger, Castle Thunder (http://\"\"), and "Hallelujah". Not to mention several random pieces of music.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: TimK2003 on January 04, 2010, 09:57:05 PM
[quote name=\'Fedya\' post=\'233494\' date=\'Jan 3 2010, 05:27 PM\'][quote name=\'TeppanYaki\' post=\'233489\' date=\'Jan 3 2010, 05:00 PM\'][quote name=\'davidhammett\' post=\'233486\' date=\'Jan 3 2010, 03:36 PM\']Any suggestions for 10-12?[/quote]
10 - the theme music to Card Sharks 78
Isn't that the same theme as Trebek Double Dare?  If so, it would be more appropriate for two strikes in a row.

As for when your teammates throw a really bad ball, the obvious phrase to use is the "Good answer!  Good answer!" nonsense from Family Feud that everybody used no matter how awful the answer.

For any converted split, you could always play the Split Second 'back from commercial' cue, and any missed split could earn the Split Second foghorn.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Loogaroo on January 05, 2010, 03:56:03 AM
I like going into the Double Dare rules spiel at the start of a long explanation of procedure.

"So here's how you play Munchkin. I'm going to ask a question, and if you don't know the answer or think the other team doesn't have a clue..."
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Jeremy Nelson on January 05, 2010, 11:03:35 AM
[quote name=\'Loogaroo\' post=\'233596\' date=\'Jan 5 2010, 02:56 AM\']I like going into the Double Dare rules spiel at the start of a long explanation of procedure.

"So here's how you play Munchkin. I'm going to ask a question, and if you don't know the answer or think the other team doesn't have a clue..."[/quote]
We once had a College Bowl moderator who would start off his spiels with the Double Dare spiel. Some teams wouldn't get the joke until he got to the "take the physical challenge" part, but everybody would end up laughing.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: uncleplinko on January 05, 2010, 11:16:50 AM
To take a page out of Loog's playbook, if I have to explain a new game to someone, I'll go...

"As you know, 'Killer Bunnies' is a game of definitions."
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: clemon79 on January 05, 2010, 12:58:51 PM
[quote name=\'Loogaroo\' post=\'233596\' date=\'Jan 5 2010, 12:56 AM\']"So here's how you play Munchkin.[/quote]
Herein lies the problem. :)
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Jay Temple on January 05, 2010, 01:39:30 PM
When we do anything involving my two-year-old's feet, one of us is sure to say, "The game is afoot, Trebek."
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: knagl on January 05, 2010, 06:04:10 PM
[quote name=\'comicus\' post=\'233444\' date=\'Jan 2 2010, 08:54 PM\']My friend Chuck is fond of using the phrase "Joker, JOKER... (*dejected voice*) Maps of States" in "epic fail" situations.[/quote]

Mine is, "Joker, JOKER! mixed fruit."
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: jmangin on January 05, 2010, 06:21:44 PM
[quote name=\'knagl\' post=\'233658\' date=\'Jan 5 2010, 06:04 PM\']Mine is, "Joker, JOKER! mixed fruit."[/quote]
Haha I use the same one except "Joker--Joker!--Women in Film"
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Twentington on January 05, 2010, 09:12:04 PM
Okay, I feel stupid. What's "one down, nine to go" from?

Also, not quite a game show, but I tend to say "Let's rotate the board!" a lot.

More than once I've heard my mom say "not a match, the board goes back" when dealing with mismatched shoes or socks.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: Dbacksfan12 on January 05, 2010, 09:33:08 PM
[quote name=\'Twentington\' post=\'233678\' date=\'Jan 5 2010, 09:12 PM\']Okay, I feel stupid. What's "one down, nine to go" from?[/quote]What's My Line?

As for the topic itself, I can't recall any specifics, but I'll occasionally make a game show reference when dealing--older people get it, young'ins don't.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: jw2001 on January 05, 2010, 10:36:25 PM
I was operating a cash register and a teenager asked me what he could get with a dollar.  I told him "$1,000 and a bonus spin."

Have also said the following:

- "Yes, I did"
- Double Dare rules spiel.
- "You rascule!"
- " lose all your cash but not your merchandise, because once you buy a prize it's yours to keep."
- "No dare at stake, no money changing place."
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: clemon79 on January 06, 2010, 01:52:05 PM
[quote name=\'jw2001\' post=\'233686\' date=\'Jan 5 2010, 07:36 PM\']I was operating a cash register and a teenager asked me what he could get with a dollar.  I told him "$1,000 and a bonus spin."[/quote]
I chuckl'd.
Title: Level-B Game Show Phrases
Post by: TimK2003 on January 06, 2010, 06:51:09 PM
There have also been several occasions in which if I am near a timer, or countdown clock (especially the ones in crosswalks), and the time shows less than 5 seconds, I have yelled "LONGSHOT"!!!
