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Drew Carey “Never Quitting The Price Is Right”

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The first few seasons of Drew were pretty rough and once Roger and Co left. Drew found his groove. He looks like he's having fun hosting the show. I hope he stays in good health to host the show as long as possible.

I agree Drew had a “going through the motions” phase when he first started where he was a little too dry. He’s made the show his own, although I think his delivery could be a little smoother at times during the Showcase, but I do love that his sign off calls attention to mental health awareness.

aaron sica:

--- Quote from: BrandonFG on May 04, 2024, 11:28:58 AM ---although I think his delivery could be a little smoother at times during the Showcase

--- End quote ---

This is honestly one of the few criticisms I have. He could be a little more excited when someone wins both showcases.

Joe Mello:

--- Quote from: BrandonFG on May 04, 2024, 11:28:58 AM ---He’s made the show his own, although I think his delivery could be a little smoother at times during the Showcase, but I do love that his sign off calls attention to mental health awareness.
--- End quote ---
It feels like in the last 1-2 months of episodes, the staff as figured out how to time the show that they can leave a bunch more of the bits in. Not all of the bits land (I think it's Drew's nature to go too long with bits that don't work) but it's been about as close to Barker Era as one would be comfortable to get.

I would in fact prefer a show with five pricing games, a longer showcase and then the end game, if it meant we didn't have half of the show as the quick decision games.

Also, maybe the show could get back some amount of time with Drew's filler chat portions where he explains "there's a second chance" or "this is like a puzzle" that doesn't really forward the narrative at all. I don't know what I'd do with the time but it feels like there's a lot of talking just for its own sake. In the main I think he bonds with the contestants very well, and that builds a great deal of goodwill for me.


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