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I've Got A Secret Website

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--- Quote from: Matt Ottinger on May 01, 2023, 09:22:16 AM ---I've been working on a Secret website in...well..."secret" for some time now, and I'm ready to unleash it on fans and newcomers alike.

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Does that mean we now have to to call you the Modern Man and/or Kilroy???

Actually Matt, I will be looking forward to checking it out.  Thanks for the heads up.

As a tiny bit of constructive criticism, for folks visiting on a phone (which in 2023 isn't an insignificant percentage of people), the banner at the top causes a huge horizontal scroll bar on every page. Thankfully the content fills just the screen area, so it's only a minor inconvenience.

Overall I'm excited to check out all of the content!

Matt Ottinger:

--- Quote from: knagl on May 01, 2023, 07:38:11 PM ---As a tiny bit of constructive criticism, for folks visiting on a phone (which in 2023 isn't an insignificant percentage of people), the banner at the top causes a huge horizontal scroll bar on every page. Thankfully the content fills just the screen area, so it's only a minor inconvenience.
--- End quote ---

Thanks.  I've been aware of the phone issues from the beginning.  Theoretically, the software is supposed to automatically adjust for the user's device.  In the real world, of course, some things "automatically adjust" better than others.  I've been able to work around a great many things, but I'm afraid I don't have a really good answer yet for the banner.  In a perfect world, there would be an option for a smaller alternate banner for smaller screens, and I'm sure there's some better software out there that does just that, but I'm happy enough with everything else this site does for me that I'm not going to go pursue one. 

That Don Guy:
I'm glad to finally see some detailed information on the four-week CBS 1976 run.
One thing I remember about it that wasn't mentioned; in Charles Nelson Reilly's "Yankee Doodle Dandy" choir, one of the names - the one that sounds like "Came To" ("Yankee Doodle came to London...") - was sick, so they replaced him with someone whose last name was Blank.

I'm one of the people who had contributed to the Goodson-Todman's wiki for figuring out the episode guide for the 1972-73 version of the show, and let me tell you, seeing a 100% complete episode guide on your site put one of the biggest smiles on my face that I've had all week. :)  Thank you so much Matt, and the people who helped you on that too!!  I've been wanting to see that happen for so long as one of the aforementioned people on that page that you've mentioned who that version of the show is popular with.  I am beyond excited for having a new work lunchtime destination to spend endless time on on my phone!!  I've got some pals who love game shows and are "new" to getting into the genre but aren't really in the fandom (and are just starting to learn about game show history) and they love I've Got a Secret, they're gonna be over the moon over this.


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