In one of the earliest episodes, Wayne offered a team the option to talk about Cocoon, clarifying that he meant the movie. To which I reacted, "Oh, that's probably where the 'I'll put this in quotes' thing came from. Because if one of the words is 'movie,' you just gave them help." The team chose the other subject, so I don't know what words were on the list.
The series is at the point where Wayne is telling contestants when he's putting things in quotes now. But in yesterday's Buzzr episode, he once again offered a team the option to talk about Cocoon in the main game, once again clarifying that he meant the movie.
At which point I realized that no one updated that particular host card. But I was more surprised that the show is recycling unused subjects in the main game. In the bonus round, sure, no problem, but given that half of the front game is identifying the subject, it seems like a bad idea to give a team the opportunity to think, "Say, wasn't Cocoon one of the available subjects in that episode we watched recently?"