Going into this, I thought Ken would be the most motivated to win, as he's the one who stands to lose the most clout (relatively). When Ken finished his run, he was thought by a good number of people to be the GOAT. Then Brad came along, pantsed him in the first tourney, and has beat him ever since. James winning this could have put Ken at #3 in some people's minds.
I thought it was interesting that Brad talked about his diminished skills in the Game 1 interview, then played like a guy who fell back to Earth- my first thought was "yeah, they diminshed in your eyes, but you're still Brad Rutter"- but he wasn't lying at all. It was like he was trying to manage expectations moving forward.
My thought was that ABC could host a Masters series each year, starring the GOAT winner, the reigning ToC winner, and an all-star/classic player selected by fan vote. Winner gets $250K and comes back for the next series, kinda like Super Sale of the Century in Australia.