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Has Lingo Season 3 started?

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[quote name=\'melman1\' date=\'Oct 16 2003, 10:15 PM\'] Also, the "team play" element seems pointless.  The teammates are (apparently) supposed to alternate guesses, but invariably one whispers guesses to the other who then says them out loud.  What's that all about?  It would be much better as a one-on-one game.  With the host's podium between the players. [/quote]
 Presumably they have two players because the game is hard enough to play with two, let alone one. They could always do it like Blockbusters and see if two heads are better than one. (Since I don't believe Blockbuster ever came to a definite conclusion on that point.)

Also, if they'd cast for more interesting players, there would be energy-filled interaction between them. Then maybe Chuck would have more to talk about, too.

Jay Temple:
[quote name=\'melman1\' date=\'Oct 16 2003, 10:15 PM\'] Also, the "team play" element seems pointless.  The teammates are (apparently) supposed to alternate guesses, but invariably one whispers guesses to the other who then says them out loud.  What's that all about?  It would be much better as a one-on-one game.  With the host's podium between the players. [/quote]
 I read that when Family Feud was in development, they found that one person would run out of answers too quickly for the game to be interesting.  That's why they went to teams in the first place.  Making it families was just a really inspired way to implement that.  I suspect the same holds for the "team" concept for Lingo.  However, I agree that it ends up being meaningless in actual play.  I'd rather they just drop the pretense of taking turns.

[quote name=\'ITSBRY\' date=\'Oct 18 2003, 12:32 PM\'] Here's an interesting I know that a cable "season" isn't the same as a normal TV season, but is "Lingo" the only gameshow that's had a COMPLETELY different set for each of its seasons?

ITSBRY [/quote]
 Well, I know it was only 2 seasons, but didn't "Debt" use two sets for its seasons? Or was the gameboard the only change?

[quote name=\'fostergray82\' date=\'Oct 20 2003, 05:43 PM\']
Well, I know it was only 2 seasons, but didn't "Debt" use two sets for its seasons? Or was the gameboard the only change? [/quote]
 As far as I recall ,the gameboard was the only change from season one to season two set-wise. Early in season one of course, the logo changed so as not to have it look like a certain national credit card's logo.


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