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"Bingable" game shows?

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Recently, I read a Facebook post about how with its "rotation of games giving it a perfect blend of consistency and variety" that The Price Is Right is a very "bingeable" show. This got me to thinking, besides Price, what other game shows would make for a great all-day binge?

I'll get the ball rolling and say Family Feud. There's something about the format of guessing survey results that's so darn fascinating. Especially if you're watching the old Dawson or Combs episodes just for the "time capsule" effect of what was on people's minds back in the '70s and '80s (might explain why Fremantle now has an around the clock channel of it). Maybe it's the simplicity of it all or watching the contestants occasionally giving off the wall answers (and the host's reaction to them), it's one game show I could watch episode after episode and not get tired of it.

I agree with Dawson Feud, especially with long-running champs that Richard develops running jokes with.

In a similar vein, runs of champions on Sale of the Century are fun to binge as the stakes gradually increase. One Australian champ's full run from 1984 is on YouTube.

Definitely agree on "Feud". It's a reason GSN shows it wall-to-wall during the evenings.

A few years ago, I found a few Kennedy episodes of Split Second and felt I could watch those over and over for a reason similar to William's. Watching a champion's run is very thrilling to watch.

I've found thanks to the GSN reruns that Regis Millionaire is pretty bingable. Easy to watch a few hours on in the background or whatever - easy to determine the level by glancing. I think the older GSN Lingo was also very easy to binge as well. Back before YouTube pulled the episodes, was easy to watch for a few hours. Ditto for Sale, Feud. As for Price, I think the showdowns take up a lot of episode time, and you get lots of wheel spinning as part of a long binge. The varied showcases of the 70s and 80s do make it more interesting.

I have found the daily 1.5 hours of Jeopardy and Masters to test my limits on daily Jeopardy! consumption. I find it harder to binge because I want to pay attention too much.

Kevin Prather:
Most of the UK game shows of recent, including Pointless, Tenable, and The 1% Club.


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