The Game Show Forum > The Big Board

Love is ON THE AIR TV Special w/Bob Eubanks-Hosted by Jeff Sutphen


Hey everyone,
Wanted to alert you to a TV special I'm Producing.

Will air on all Bahakel owned TV stations!
Featuring an interview with Bob Eubanks, a fun game show segment called Pillow Talk and much more.
Jeff Sutphen will be back on TV as host of the show.

All Bahakel stations? That's like.....4.....and three of them aren't sure themselves that they're on the air.

Still, I'm sure it will be a great passion project, and I look forward to seeing it on the web.

Signed, Former Bahakel employee.

(Undeniably the worst family run TV operation that exists. Oh the stories I could tell.....)


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